
In 2011 Boris Kriger has founded Altaspera Publishing House, a full-service publishing company that prints a wide range of books, magazines, newspapers and other literary and scientific materials distributed all over the world.

“The Common Sense World” is a publication focused on unraveling political and social issues through a lens of rational discourse and insightful analysis, aiming to foster a more informed and engaged global community.
“Business Expert News” is a premier publication offering the latest business insights, market trends, and financial advice. Aimed at professionals and entrepreneurs, it provides in-depth analyses, leadership strategies, and updates on emerging technologies across industries.
“GLOBAL SCIENCE NEWS” is a publication dedicated to discussing the latest and most significant advancements from the world of science to the broader public. It serves as a comprehensive source for researchers, academics, and enthusiasts who are keen on staying informed.
This publication a cutting-edge publication dedicated to bringing the latest and most significant findings in the field of clinical research to a broad audience.
“Orthodox Faith” is a vibrant and insightful publication dedicated to exploring the rich traditions, spiritual practices, and theological insights of Eastern Orthodoxy.
“Живая мысль” представляет собой социо-аналитический журнал, охватывающий широкий спектр тем и направлений, включая искусство и развлечения, религию и духовность, науку, образование, а также социальные вопросы. Издается с 2011 года.
“La Revue du Bon Sens” est un journal qui se distingue par son approche réfléchie et son élégance dans le traitement des sujets d’actualité et de culture.
Our publication dedicates itself to elevating the standard of parking lot care, combining industry insights with practical advice to help business owners and operators transform their parking spaces.